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There is nothing more satisfying than feeling a part of something greater than oneself. “The Incognitus Artist”is how I detach myself from my own background, history, identity, and personality. It is the mask I use as a performer, as an artist. My pieces are focused on the exploration and embodiment of diversity. “The Incognitus Artist” allows my audience and myself to learn, first hand, about aspects of the human experience that seem unreachable or irrational and yet are insightful in its poorest form. As I engage in the experience of life as Sergio Kuri, the artist within me is always on the search for anything he wants to experience or explore, sometimes as an undercover agent that documents, other times as an object, or other times as a force on the background. Performance art is how I learn through my body, its my realization that we need to let our mind follow our body to understand the world as something greater than oneself.

Interview and article by UNOTV 

"235 million user news plataform"

Thank you to UNOTV for giving me a space to spread performane art. I hope the 235 million users, spread on 18 countries, benefit from my insight. It was an honor to be interviewed. To all those individuals that are out there, thinking about trying out performance, go for it!

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Interview and Article by Newspaper Reforma Club

“One of the most prestigious newspapers in Mexico with more than 400,000 daily readers”

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Thank you to Club Reforma for giving me a space to spread performane art. I hope the readers benefit from my insight. It was an honor to be interviewed.

“Published text by El Heraldo”

16 million monthly user platform

2nd most read newspaper in Mexico


Thank you to “El Heraldo” for giving me the chance to share my experience in my performance “Construction worker” with their 16 million monthly user base. I hope I can provide insight and perspective into the lives of construction workers in Mexico. Hopefully the next time you pass by a construction you reflect on the work and effort that is being put into by so many workers.

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Thank you to Universidad Anahuac for giving me a space on your program to talk about my Performance “Construction Worker”


Instagram Live


Program “Cultura Y Punto”

Thank you to program “Cultura y Punto” for giving me a voice on your program. Hopefully I inspired the youth to perform.


Thank you to Magazine Coma for the Interview on my Performance “Paralyzed”

It was a pleasure to be part of the program. I hope I can inspire the youth to start engaging and learning more about Performance art.


15 minute Interview, honor guest of podcast “El Mundo en 60 minutos”

37 min - 54 min

© 2020 hecho por Incognitus artist by Elforunner.

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